Challenges are stepping stones, but we almost stopped climbing.

Challenges are stepping stones, but we almost stopped climbing.

Table of contents

No heading

No headings in the article.

“You see how people’s efforts are wasted because some others have decided to be dormant. This is so unfair tbh. I'm really really pissed and it's tiring.” These were some of my last words to the group on Saturday. Considering how the responsiveness has been low and the reactions have been discouraging, I snapped. You’d be wondering how we got here, well let’s start from the beginning.

Last week Monday, we got our week 3 task and it was simple but not so simple. Create a content calendar, create infographic content using canva, post on your blog and drive traffic to the blog. That was it. Not so stressful right? But it turned out to be a whole mess. Worse than I expected.

It was a bit challenging considering we are not graphic designers so we didn’t have so much knowledge concerning that field but we were determined to pull something up. At least, to the ones that it mattered. But we had a few challenges. I had suggested that we pick a brand colour (red), a particular font to indicate consistency and create our designs in simple but detailed manners so we would be doing justice the best way we can. But both the colour and font caused problems, most especially the font. I can’t explain how, so please don’t ask me, lol.

We also concluded on a content direction for the week to ease the content creation process and help us establish a line of thought for what our content for the week would look like. This also wasn’t understood at first. There was so much back and forth. I got tired and frustrated.

While all this was going on, we couldn’t access our blog. Weird right? Lol, it wasn’t anything serious. Except that the teammate who created the blog was unreachable, the only contributor was also unavailable and she had not added the rest of us as contributors. It was disastrous. What could we have done?? We just kept creating our content till we would be able to upload it.

Like always, the dire minutes came and our saviour arrived. The only contributor, the asst team lead, showed up and we were able to upload our content. This was a lot of hassle and trust me, you have no idea.

Also, our week 2 review session wasn’t bad. Our tutor loved our content, made a few corrections and applauded our boldness to write on an industry such as “sex”. It’s not a common topic people would openly talk about, but look at us, challenging the status quo and getting people to talk about sex.

We’ve had a stressful run this week and hope that week 4 would be bliss. Though we love a good challenge and are willing to get more challenges as we go, we just expect more teamwork to make it easy peasy. You should read our content, they are the next big thing!


Here’s our calendar
